Hidden in-flight perks that airlines keep as secrets
Most of us believe that there are only a few of the benefits to our plane ticket. Even if you don’t have bought a plane ticket for the first class or the business class, there are still some of the hidden in-flight perks that any ordinary passenger can avail of. The only problem is that, while there are some hidden in-flight perks, the airlines do try their best to keep them a secret. The reason is simple; if too many people knew about them then this would result in a lot of scuffle inside the airplane.
Well, we like to share the good news that you are the lucky person who is going to learn about a few of these hidden in-flight perks. You can memorize them as they are not that hard to remember and can make use of them on your next trip. Who knows your next flight would be a fun-filled one. A hint here is that one of these hidden in-flight perks is for those who travel with children.
Chance to be in First Class
This is not a secret, being nice is never a bad thing but it can lead to good virtue. Same is the case for being nice during a flight especially if you are travelling on a long haul flight. The hidden in-flight perk is that you can have a chance of getting the treat of sitting in the first-class cabin even if you have the economy class ticket. You ask how? Well, by being nice what else? The tip is to be nice and accommodating during your flight. Like if there is a family that needs a plane seat with an extra empty seat and you happen to be in such a seat, you can offer your seat to the family to help the cabin crew. Cabin crew is very appreciative of this kind of passenger and often lets them slide inside the first-class cabin. Well, there is no guarantee for this method.
Variety of in-flight comforts
Airplanes are often stocked with all kinds of little luxuries that can help a passenger sleep during the long haul flight. So there is no need to worry if you happen to have forgotten to pack your earplugs or the eye mask. Simply ask the cabin crew and they will most likely get you these items. Sometimes if the flight I an international one, these little items also include a pair of comfy slippers.
One of the hidden in-flight perks related to taking the long haul flights nice and comfy is the airline pajamas. They are made of high-quality fabric and give you a chance to come off your flight with your fresh clothes. The thing is that they are normally available on high-end airlines such as the British Airways and Emirates and even they serve it to First calks. But who knows, if you happen to spill a little tomato juice over your shirt, the cabin crew might be little accommodating and lend you a set of the airline pajama.
Get extra meals 
Are you someone who happens to love the food of an airline? Well, if you are then this hidden in-flight perk is for you. All you need to do during your flight is to ask the cabin crew during the lunch and dinner service about a second helping. You will be surprised that most passengers, especially the ones on the night and long haul flights tend to skip their meals to get extra sleepy time. Sometimes there is even a chance of food surplus with amazing options because the flight simply did not sell enough of the business or first-class tickets.
The tip here is to have a little patience and wait. After the cabin crew has served everyone on the plane, ask them politely if there are any extra leftover meals. It is natural that you won’t get a ‘yes’ almost instantly but nobody likes to waste good food so it is always worth a shot to ask.
Another tip here is that if you feel peckish before dinner or lunch, ask the flight attendant politely to serve you some peanuts or other light snacks that area viable on board.
Flight deck tour
If you are a curious person who likes to know what goes around the cockpit of the airplane then you can ask to have a look for yourself. While security has been tightened for airline service in the last decade, there is still a way to get a tour of the flight deck. This tour is available only before the takeoff or after the landing. The pilot is willing to give you a tour in case he feels relaxed and the other passengers have left the plane.
There is also a little chance that you will be allowed to touch those airplane dials and chat with the co-pilot on the headset but who knows you might get lucky. The probability of this is really high if you are travelling with kids. Still, every airline in the world has its own policy for the tours of flight deck like for Qatar, they simply won’t allow one.
First Aid
This is not a hidden in-flight perk but a common thing for such a massive mode of transportation to have on it. All the airplanes of the airlines do heavy a First aid kit on board for cases of emergency. So if you happen to have suffered a cut, ask the flight attendant for plaster or any other sanitary products.
Still, our recommendation and tip here are to pack with you some average painkillers as the cabin crew is not allowed to dispense any sort of medication. Major airlines often have a doctor on board as well. Still, do not leave things to chance when it comes to health. Always book for a flight after you confirm that you are in good health and be sure to invest a little in travel insurance.
The flight crew is appreciative of passengers who lend them a hand in case of a medical emergency. They might even let you sit in the first-class or give you a duty-free gift as their thanks.
Ask for assistance and amnesties when travelling with kids
If a person is travelling with a crying kid, most of the cabin crew is really sympathetic towards them. This happens more so if you are a single parent travelling. They lend out help to hold your baby while you place your luggage. They even often keep them entertained by giving them crayons and coloring books.
Some major airlines like Etihad even offer Nanny Service onboard who can do things like singing a lullaby to keeping the kids entertained while you have some shut-eye.
It never hurts to ask the cabin crew about the kid activity pack even on short-haul flight of domestic nature. Even these flights have started offering such amnesties.
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