AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters Weapons Load & Gunnery

AH 64D Apache Longbow Helicopters Weapons Load Gunnery1 | Crewdaily

An AH-64 Apache helicopter is a military helicopter with following salient features.

  • Twin turbo shaft attack helicopter
  • Landing gear arrangement is of tailwheel type
  • Tandem cockpit for two crew members

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The helicopter is equipped with the following sensory systems all because of its nose mounted sensor system.

  • Target Acquisition
  • Night Vision Systems

As for the helicopters firepower, it contains a 30 mm M230 Machine Gun that is located in between the main landing gear right under the helicopter’s fuselage system. The helicopter also is equipped with following armaments that are stored at the four Hardpoints which are mounted on stub wing pylons.

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  • AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles
  • Hydra 70 Rocket Pods

With this aircraft’s large amounts of system redundancies, it provides more combat sustainability.

The Apache Helicopters were designed and manufactured by Hughes Helicopters for the USAF under their Advance Attack Helicopter Program. The goal was to create a helicopter that could replace the capabilities of AH-1 Cobra Helicopter. The first prototype was flown back in September 30th 1975 and was approved for full production line. The Hughes Helicopters were then bought by McDonnell Douglas and they also modified and developed further improvements in this stare of the art helicopter. The helicopter was officially used for the first time by USAF back in 1986.

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AH-64D Apache Longbow is a variant of the AH-64 Apache that comes with many new upgrades. It was officially used by USAF back in 1997. The helicopter is currently being manufactured by Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Until 2013, nearly 2000 AH-64s have been manufactured and are in services.

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This helicopter which was initially the primary attack helicopter for the US army is now also being used by following countries as their primary helicopter for attack purposes.

  • Greece
  • Japan
  • Israel
  • Netherlands
  • Singapore
  • UAE
  • UK

The main countries for whose conflicts, this helicopter has been used are as follows.

  • Panama
  • Persian Gulf
  • Kosovo
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq

In the following video viewers will be able to see the weapons load and gunnery by the personal of US Army’s 12 Combat Aviation Brigade. Watch the video down below.

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