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This is how much on average flight attendants make in major airlines

The pay of the flight attendants has a tricky metric. The airlines usually pay the flight attendants for every hour they are on the flight travelling in the air, which means that they could be working for as long as 14 hours but still get paid for only about for a 6 hours long flight. This piece of information has been confirmed by the representative of the Association of Flight Attendants union named Taylor Garland.

The base of a flight attendant also varies on the level of experience by the said flight attendant along with other factors like

  • The part of the plane they are going to serve on
  • Total work hours
  • The airport they are flying out of

Garland says, “flight attendants can either fly high or fly low and it is only written in their contract which also points what is the best case for their skills.

According to the statistical analysis, the median pay for a flight attendant has dropped significantly over the last 50 years. The pay saw a median hourly decrease of about 26 percent from 1980 to current times after adjusting for the inflation. Some of the flight attendants have it hard as they need to work overtime for the sake of paying their bills and to earn food stamps.

Another major factor in the pay variance for the flight attendants is the carrier they are flying on. Pay for the flight attendants on the regional carrier can be as less as 45 percent when compared to the ones on the main airlines.

Some of the flight attendants have reported the information about their salaries to sites of job listing such as the Glassdoor and the Payscale. This will help the future flight attendants aspirants get a better grip on the situation of the pays in the flight attendants industry.

Below is the detailed information about how much an average flight attendant makes in major airlines.

Delta Airlines

The flight attendants on Delta Airlines reported earning about 29 to 30 dollars per hour.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

114 flight attendants of Delta airlines reported that their average base pay is about 29 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

32 flight attendants reported to Payscale about their average hourly rate to be about 30.42 dollars.

American Airlines

Flight attendants working for the American airlines reported having an hourly wage of 30 dollars.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

109 flight attendants of the airlines reported to Glassdoor about their average annual salary to be about 37926 dollars. Hourly rates were not disclosed.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

45 flight attendants working for the airlines reported average hourly pay of 30.52 dollars.

United Airlines

Flight attendants of United Airlines revealed they usually make 40 dollars per hour.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

As per data of 157 flight attendants from Untied Airlines their average base pay is about 28 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

From the data of 49 reported flight attendants of the United Airlines, their average hourly pay is about 40.29 dollars.

Southwest Airlines

The flight attendants over Southwest Airlines on average make a pay FO about 31 dollars to 35 dollars per hour.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

As per the information from the 79 reported flight attendants of Southwest Airlines, their average base pay is almost 31 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

From the data of the 37 flight attendants of the airlines, their average hourly rate is approximately 35.47 dollars.


Flight attendants working for the JetBlue airlines have reported having an average hourly wage of about 21 dollars to 23 dollars.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

Only 13 flight attendants reported to Glassdoor about their average hourly rate which is calculated to be about 21.80 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

Nearly 55 of the flight attendants responded on Payscale and their average base pay amounts to about 23 dollars.

Allegiant Air

The average hourly pay for the flight attendants of the Allegiant Airlines is on par with the JetBlue airlines, which is about 20 dollars to 22 dollars for an hour.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

46 flight attendants presented information about their base pay which averages out at about 22 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

No flight attendants presented the information about their hourly rate working for the Allegiant Airlines. Their pay is estimated to be about 20.48 dollars per hour.

Spirit Airlines

Flight attendants working for the Spirit Airlines have said that on average they make about 20 dollars to 21 dollars working per hour with the airlines.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

50 flight attendants of the Spirit Airlines reported their average base pay to be about 21 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

No flight attendants reported their pay rate on Payscale but the estimate of the hourly rate for an average flight attendant is about 20.32 dollars.

Frontier Airlines

With Frontier Airlines we have come to the bottom pay of the flight attendants in the West’s airlines. The average pay hourly wage of a flight attendant of the Frontier Airlines is about 19 dollars to 21 dollars.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

As per the data of 57 flight attendants of Frontier Airlines, their base pay on average is almost 21 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

From the data of 14 flight attendants of the Frontier Airlines presented over Payscale, the average hourly wage of a flight attendant is about 19.85 dollars.

Alaska Airlines

The average hourly wage of the flight attendants working for Alaskan Airlines, their pay is about 23 dollars to 30 dollars.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

The data of 19 flight attendants from Glassdoor shows the average base pay to be about 23 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

As for the data from 9 flight attendants reported on Payscale, their pay is about 30.06 dollars per hour.

Hawaiian Airlines

Flight attendants working for the Hawaiian Airlines on average make 23 to 30 dollars per hour.

Average base pay on Glassdoor:

The data stated by the 4 flight attendants on Glassdoor indicates the average base wage of a flight attendant to be 30 dollars.

Average hourly rate on Payscale:

As for the data of 15 flight attendants reported on Hawaiian airlines, their flight attendants make about 23.74 dollars per hour.

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Written by Crew Daily

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